Monday, March 8, 2010

My name is Tim.


No one but Tim here, and that's me!

My full name is Timmy Chan and this is my blog. I'm creating this blog because i am inspired by my other fellow friends who are quite passive bloggers. It makes for a great digital diary for myself and i hope that it will be a good read for anyone else who stumbles upon this.

So here is a little about myself for myself! and others of course.

I'm currently studying Civil Engineering at UNSW, I have a great passion for healthy lifestyles. Also i own a small collection of bikes which are my pride and joy, I'm currently studying traditional Chinese martial arts and also tradition Chinese lion dancing.

I'm not very good with writing words so i hope this blog will be filled with pictures!

Hope to keep this up, i think this first entry is pathetic but i know i suck.

Cheers Tim.

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