The mushrooms were super scrumptious, that brushetta was also delectable and bacon was also surprisingly good considering it was most probably sitting there for quite some time. The salmon was also of the finest grade!
So I asked for some poached eggs when I was near the kitchen, expecting to handed some on my plate for asking. Instead I was asked if I would like it soft or hard, I said soft and he gave me a number, as confused as I was it occurred to me that he was going to make and order to make it fresh for me. A few minutes later they arrived at my table.
Silly me for thinking this was just like any other buffet. Any other special requests like omlettes are made to order and brought to your table.
French toast was very surprising, very scrumptious, it's been so long since I have had french toast but never to this calibre. The tomato salad was simple and I just couldn't get enough of that salmon. That rice pudding was just amazing, I have honestly had rice pudding like this before and it was just a delight for brekkie!
Despite it being called a breakfast buffet, it is quite different to what I'm usually experience. Coffee is made to order and brought to your table, tea is poured from bags sitting in urns, brought to you by staff of course.
Now I'm not usual a huge fan of buffets because I always get too greedy with food and load it up till it can't fit any more. Food always mixes up together in strange combinations on your plate and personally due to that, it kind of ruins the textures and flavours in certain foods.
Considering this was The Hilton Hotel in the Glass Brassiere I forcefully held back with my servings. Other than the eggs, the other two dishes were placed by me and everything worked just right.
lol no, fuck it. I'm so happy for her, she's doing what she wants and I can't find anything bad to say about it. Honestly I won't miss her but I will miss her presence.
Go have fun Bel, meet loads of new people. Become chinky, smoke as much weed as you want, don't get raped, keep your organs close to you at all times (seriously) and have loads of fun.
I hope and I know by the end of the 12 months, you will come back with more experiences than you could have imagine. I'm excited to see your transformation just as I'm excited to see your reactions to my transformation after the next 12 months.
Remember, someone who think's one way at the start of the year but still continues to the think exactly same way by the end of the year, that person has wasted a year of their life.
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