The amazing culinary experience that only a reverend can partake. Even down to the amazing china plates and cups. The detail in which the temple volunteers put into this was astounding.

This bird fascinated me so much. It was there when I first re-visited the car near the lotus pond, just patiently waiting on that rock for something to spark its interest. It was only until I was close enough did I spook it and it flew away to the other side of the pond.
Then on Sunday when I was leaving I spotted the same bird on the same rock in the same position waiting patiently. Quite symbolic of the temple/Buddhism itself.

Unfortunately it rained on the morning of the Sanga offering but we were lucky enough for the rain to stop when the ceremony commenced and held out for the rest of the day.

Around the side of the main courtyard lies various statues and ornaments and close enough to bonsai trees. Everything down to perfection, notice the alignment of the pebbles.

The food, all vegetarian, no meat, even down to the snacks (no chicken, beef, bbq flavouring products at all). As boring as it may sound having a whole weekend eating nothing but vegetarian temple food, I love it! It's one thing I actually look forward to when I head down there, it's seriously amazing with what they can do with imitation meat.
The imitation meats are seriously magic, if nobody says anything or if you don't think it's temple food your mind will be fooled.
Even after the weekend I had no craving for meat at all. I did however eat meat purely for the convenience.

On the morning of the Sanga offering, just like any other morning there's chanting. This shot was taken just outside the main shrine at 6am.

After chanting, 7am.

The little Buddha statues they have around the temple are very amusing and realistic at night time.
I found out that the temple now actually has a Lion Dancing crew! With only about 7 weeks of training under them, they're pretty good! Raymond Giang is teaching them and when he saw me there he quite happily greeted me with a smile, one of the first things he asked me was "Can you give these guys a few tips?"
Long story short I think they want me to teach the lion dancing for the temple! I'm so flattered! Also I'm very honoured to be asked that just as the reverend was when she asked too! Gosh I'm blushing.

In the main shrine the walls, left, right and centre are Buddha statues everywhere.

It's never ending.

The roof also has an amazing piece. I have been told it was hand painted!

Steps up to the main shrine.
Temple at night time is just a totally different experience. I'm so fortunate to be given the opportunity to experience this.
Last weekend I was asked if I was available to volunteer to help out for the Sanga offering down at Nan Tien. To be honest most of the time I'm quite hesitant to help out, with many reasons, one being I'm quite afraid of helping out, by doing things incorrectly or offending the reverend because I'm just oblivious to a lot of things. Well this time I had no alaby to get out of it, also I know the temple is always in need of volunteers.
The Sanga offering is a day where the temple volunteers get together and give something back to the reverends who teach them Buddhism. It was a whole day ceremony starting early in the morning, so I got down the day before for rehearsals and slept overnight. The temple at night and at dawn is just something quite surreal.
I attended chanting in the morning, earlier than usual because of the offering. I always find chanting a strange experience for me personally. I don't understand a word, I do not know the lyrics, nor do I understand the concept behind chanting and I honestly don't know what to do when I'm there. But I attend anyway because it's something really special to me. It's melodic and soothing, it almost brings me to tears sometimes (which I always desperately try to hide), it warms you up despite how cold it may be and it wakes you up to the morning feeling strangely energised on an empty stomach.
The photos are actually in reverse order ( some aren't). I also decided to film for the first time using the G11, which may also be the last. The quality is quite disappointing, I believe the Iphone4 trumps it just a bit which makes me consider the Iphone 5 for my next purchase.
The 'zither' is so cool to play with.