It is as it is, no funky Chinese name no bs name to fool none asians. Bitter melon jelly, now if you don't know what bitter melon (also commonly known as "cool melon") is, it's most probably you're not chinese. It's a vegetable or a fruit(not too sure apparently fruits have seeds and vegetables don't) , looks somewhat like a cucumber with very bumpy skin. It's usually used in Chinese stir fry's, one signature Chinese dish incorporating this would be bitter melon with beef or cool melon with beef.
The melon is bitter, very bitter to the point where it's actually quite refreshing and a "golden" taste. I say golden because that's the translation, I believe that it's english equivalent would be "crisp", so it's got a very crisp taste. My parents still grow this vegetable/fruit in our backyard so I have grown up with the vegetable. I've never liked it, detested it, in fact but it's only up until now where I'm 21 do i actually appreciate it's unique flavor. I only ever have a couple(Literally only a couple, so only 2 slices!) before i find the taste a bit too overwhelming.
So how did this taste?
It's not my kind of dessert. The flavor was much too full on, too crisp, too golden, too pungent. The sago..... was sitting in the bottom of the jelly, now i really enjoy sago and when i dug deep for the sagoit really didn't dull the flavor at all.
All for the fun of foods, you gotta try everything at least once yeh?..... This would be my second time.
i dont mind bitter melon actually. Never did.