Yes, Chinese New year was in the first week of February and it has been long past that week. But for me CNY is full of festivities that go on the whole month. So now it coming up to the last week of Feb and the lion dancing is slowing down about now. Just a few more this Saturday and the next, then after that I'm done for now.
It's been another wonderful fun filled year. In terms of lion dancing, it has had it ups and downs, confusion and stress, last minute mock ups and of course the substantial amounts of sweat that just drip down your face like a leaky tap but in the end it's just the greatest fun and I'm so grateful to be given such an opportunity to experience such a culture.
I have pretty much given up all my spare time to help out in the shows and it's all worth it. Despite how sweaty and tired i get. It's amazing how all this can affect your body. Because of all these shows involving fast explosive actions/moves I've become a fair bit stronger. I'm able to actually able to keep going alot longer and i won't be as exhausted at the end of each show.
It's funny because (yes I know my body actually has no body fat already but) I have lost a bit of weight/fat. On one day my weight actually managed to drop down to 55kgs I think, before the cny festivities my weight could actually reach the 59kgs. And it's really noticeable! People say I jump higher and as vain as this might sound but my muscles are actually starting to look ripped. It's quite unattractive sometimes because my body is so unproportional and it just looks funny. I still refuse to wear singlets out socially though.
I am quite disappointed though, our club doesn't actually a lot of people and it makes organising shows quite difficult. What's even more disappointing though is that there is hardly a time when we have someone spare at hand to help take photos. Very sad about that, I do yearn for photos of each show and videos too.
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