Wednesday, December 28, 2011
How my life could of changed.
Back in 2005 sometime when I was still in my high school years, I was one of those kids who would be flipping over shit, climbing over walls and someone apart of the Australian parkour forums. I attended their first ever national parkour meetup at the Homebush gymnastics centre sometime in the 06 or 07 years and it was a blast.
I remember being there thinking I was somewhat king shit because back at home/school and training I would do all these stupid flips and shit on the grass. But these guys who founded the parkour forums were on a whole other level. Being in the gymnastics floor allowed everyone to achieve gain more height, twists and flips than being outside in the streets, but what they achieved being in the first few years of founding the forum was amazing. Physically what they could do was cool, but being able to gather the nations whole parkour community together in one city to practice was even more amazing.
I remember being into that scene for a short while, made some short lived friends but for me it never really kicked off. For reasons that just seem silly really, I never had anyone to run with and when I did go out by myself, after a few weeks my legs develop a terrible case of shin splints. It hurt to walk sometimes and I still remember I couldn't point my toes upwards for a few good weeks. I actually found that amusing somewhat.
Because of that I just stopped and upuntil now I have forgotten about that aspect of my life. And watching this video just made me think, what if?
What would my life be like if i kept up with community? How would the parkour community impact upon my life?
But also this life question can also be applied to other aspects of my life like, who I dated or didn't date, jobs, cars, bikes, friends and whatnot. But I still like to think.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Spring wrap up!
I wrapped my wheels in black vynel. Biggest pain in the ass ever. Never doing it again, but it only looks good from afar. Next time i'm just buying new wheels.
Vman Bought himself an Evo.
I splurged a bit and got new springs. Ride is just that tad bit firmer, considerably less body roll and only a little bit lower (not that I care about the height)
Went to wakefield for a private track day! Super fun!
Managed to get a 1:18 time with on the side Iphone stopwatch. Pretty happy but I didn't beat Clifton, I could of gotten faster but then all I can rebut with is all just excuses.
There was also this whole silly bet going on facebook where if I beat Cliffy he would have to wear a christmas tree for a day. Hahaha oh well. Next time.
I'm addicted to Calzones. It's a giant pizza pocket, or it can be called a pizza folded in half.
Jings bucks was filled with loads of laughs and a fun night alltogether.
This happened, that happened, you know all that jazz on a bucks night. HAHAHA.
Jing and Shirley got married!!
By the way Matt Mead is a mad photographer. Super fun to hang with too!
I went to Stereosonic!
Best day in my life! Day turned to night in a blink of an eye but I still had an amazing day.
Stayed at the main stage all day because I was just happy to be there couldn't be bothered moving.
My only saddness from Stero would be missing out on Dash Berlin! Man if I had the time and money to blow, I would of chased stero around Australia just to see dash.
I got high.
Helped Justin out at Zen Garage with this piece on the wall. Looks great!
I got my Open Waters scuba diving license. So much fun, now I can't wait till I go on holiday to play where I can scuba!
HID's in my car now thanks to peeps.
Octoberfest at uni was loads of fun too.
First time ever at a live dubstep set, wasn;t too bad at all especially when the guy on the decks dropped promises.
During exams I procrastinated by rolling ciggies.
I won some money from the Melbourne Cup.
Damn it was a close race!
For my birthday I had a 1meter long pizza at crinities.
Damn it was cheap too!!
Sculptures by the sea was cool.
These things scared me though.
CSE (computer science engineering) Review was pretty bad.
I can make a pretty mean garlic and rosemary roast pork too.
So that's what I missed on this blog in the past two months. I hope I will be getting back into it because I know there's loads I missed out on and so much can happen in a month or two! I have come to realise that I'm super forgetful and it's just not cool! Memories needs to be cherished.
So much has changed about my mindset. I have also gotten myself into a bit of financial trouble but oh well I'm working on it, literally.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
To the kitten that ran across the road.
Tonight was turning into a fun filled night, with a full feast of korean BBQ despite the 30 degree heat followed by first hand experience of how fun Battlefield 3 MW2 can be with friends... All the shooting, laughing and my eyes hurting after a while and concluding that I'm not a gamer one bit. It's only natural to have the want to go home and sleep.
Well... To the cat that ran across the road.
I apologise for what I have done. I'm really sincerely sorry I really am. I've been told I say that word way too much, other people say that I never actually say it when it's appropriate. But I hope that my words of apology can be enough for your peace.
To the cat that ran across the road.
Driving home from Burwood after a night full of laughter with food and PC games I was expecting to have more laughs from trying to help my mate find his key that he lost in his car. Instead, life between me and you had to clash for the first and last time ever. For your spirited dash across the road I commend you on your bravery, I just wish I had sped up as opposed to slow down, if I had done that just maybe it would not have gone the way it did.
Seeing you dash just into my peripheral vision, I brake, I braked hard. Not too sure if the ABS kick in or not but that soft *thud* that happened after I stopped braking and instead rolled to a stop on the side of the road. I knew what it was but I refuse to admit it, hoping it to be just a pot hole of some strange sort.
To the cat that ran across the road.
When I looked back in the side mirror I see you, you're not motionless but you're behaving in a very strange erratic way. Shocked and stunned, I did not know what to do. The evoX pulls up right behind you, his headlights illuminating you erratic movements. I then realise that your strange movements is still your desperate attempt to run from the danger. Flailing with your whole body flopping back and forth using all the available motor functions you still have, limp yet strong. I just wish you had stopped resisting.
I sit for a few short moments before I notice the evoX rolled around you and pull over in front of me. I finally get out of my car, walking ever so slowly towards you. I see you still flailing around, I just wish you had stop resisting and realise that your erratic movements flopping back and forth was just causing more trauma to your damaged organs and limbs.
As I edged even closer to you, you're still moving but this time only your hind legs are. Very ecstatically in a way I couldn't recognise until now. You were trying to still run away from me, seeing your chest heave up and down, your big light blue eyes wide open, blood pooling up behind your head and in your ears. I gasp, you're terrified of me.
To the cat that ran across the road.
Seeing your beautiful coat of white with patches of grey fur, your underside slowly getting stained by your own blood, I realised you are someone's beloved pet. I am so so sorry. I'm sorry that you can never return to them ever again. You will never be pampered again nor will you feel the warmth of of another body again. I'm so terribly sorry.
Very quickly your hind legs stop moving, your still heaving and your eyes are still wide open. Uncertain of whether your eyes showed to me your acceptance of death or whether you still could not believe this had happened. I couldn't believe this had happened to me but I had come to the realisation that you were going to pass.
To the cat that ran across the road
This whole time as I describe this series of events I had just wanted to wrap you up in the towel I had in the boot of my car and take you to the nearest 24 hour emergency vet. But my body wouldn't move for I knew I wouldn't know what I would be doing, mortified at the idea of I could possibly hurt you even further in the process. Also I knew that I wouldn't know where to go or where to start looking. I apologise I wish I had knew better.
After a few have a dozen cars pass us, eventually what I though to be another taxi turn out to be a cop car. His flashing red and blue lights offered me a hint of hope, for what? I didn't know, but they proved to be useless.
After a call to the 24 hour vet clinic I looked up on my phone, I was told to take you to them whether you had passed of not. I was mortified of the idea of picking you up, I didn't want any more of your organs to possibly rupture, I didn't want your spine to be damaged even more.
Thankfully these passer-bys lived across the road. I asked them for a box to put you in. I placed the towel on top of you and rested my hand on top. You were still warm, possibly from the towel itself or the humid 20 something degree night, what ever it was, I was glad you were still warm. Picking you up as gently as I could, just as I would if I was holding a baby for the first time. I notice your head is limp but I place your soft possibly cuddly body in that box and into the car.
Grateful for the box provided to me, for it would allow you not to move around as I drive.
I take you to the vet, pressing the buzzer and immediately it was answered by another buzzer opening the door for me. I step into the foyer confused on where to go, I see the nurse come up to me. Carefully she peeps into the box and takes it off me rushed down the corridor at a fast walking pace. I see you enter a door with a sign saying "Staff Only".
I peer in through the window, I can't see you but I see them. She tears open the side wall of the box, Watching them with my eyes was strange it was them who confirm your condition to me. I see her mouth the words "It's dead". After that, something dropped inside me, even though I knew of your impending passing for it to be confirmed still shocked me.
I apologise to the owners for the loss, I don't expect to be forgiven but I do hope they understand how I feel.
Despite how horrifying this experience has been, I don't wish it had never had happened because wishing is useless. If anything I'm glad that now I know what to do if this does happen again. For next time I don't want a life to be extinguished because of me.
Well... To the cat that ran across the road.
I apologise for what I have done. I'm really sincerely sorry I really am. I've been told I say that word way too much, other people say that I never actually say it when it's appropriate. But I hope that my words of apology can be enough for your peace.
To the cat that ran across the road.
Driving home from Burwood after a night full of laughter with food and PC games I was expecting to have more laughs from trying to help my mate find his key that he lost in his car. Instead, life between me and you had to clash for the first and last time ever. For your spirited dash across the road I commend you on your bravery, I just wish I had sped up as opposed to slow down, if I had done that just maybe it would not have gone the way it did.
Seeing you dash just into my peripheral vision, I brake, I braked hard. Not too sure if the ABS kick in or not but that soft *thud* that happened after I stopped braking and instead rolled to a stop on the side of the road. I knew what it was but I refuse to admit it, hoping it to be just a pot hole of some strange sort.
To the cat that ran across the road.
When I looked back in the side mirror I see you, you're not motionless but you're behaving in a very strange erratic way. Shocked and stunned, I did not know what to do. The evoX pulls up right behind you, his headlights illuminating you erratic movements. I then realise that your strange movements is still your desperate attempt to run from the danger. Flailing with your whole body flopping back and forth using all the available motor functions you still have, limp yet strong. I just wish you had stopped resisting.
I sit for a few short moments before I notice the evoX rolled around you and pull over in front of me. I finally get out of my car, walking ever so slowly towards you. I see you still flailing around, I just wish you had stop resisting and realise that your erratic movements flopping back and forth was just causing more trauma to your damaged organs and limbs.
As I edged even closer to you, you're still moving but this time only your hind legs are. Very ecstatically in a way I couldn't recognise until now. You were trying to still run away from me, seeing your chest heave up and down, your big light blue eyes wide open, blood pooling up behind your head and in your ears. I gasp, you're terrified of me.
To the cat that ran across the road.
Seeing your beautiful coat of white with patches of grey fur, your underside slowly getting stained by your own blood, I realised you are someone's beloved pet. I am so so sorry. I'm sorry that you can never return to them ever again. You will never be pampered again nor will you feel the warmth of of another body again. I'm so terribly sorry.
Very quickly your hind legs stop moving, your still heaving and your eyes are still wide open. Uncertain of whether your eyes showed to me your acceptance of death or whether you still could not believe this had happened. I couldn't believe this had happened to me but I had come to the realisation that you were going to pass.
To the cat that ran across the road
This whole time as I describe this series of events I had just wanted to wrap you up in the towel I had in the boot of my car and take you to the nearest 24 hour emergency vet. But my body wouldn't move for I knew I wouldn't know what I would be doing, mortified at the idea of I could possibly hurt you even further in the process. Also I knew that I wouldn't know where to go or where to start looking. I apologise I wish I had knew better.
After a few have a dozen cars pass us, eventually what I though to be another taxi turn out to be a cop car. His flashing red and blue lights offered me a hint of hope, for what? I didn't know, but they proved to be useless.
After a call to the 24 hour vet clinic I looked up on my phone, I was told to take you to them whether you had passed of not. I was mortified of the idea of picking you up, I didn't want any more of your organs to possibly rupture, I didn't want your spine to be damaged even more.
Thankfully these passer-bys lived across the road. I asked them for a box to put you in. I placed the towel on top of you and rested my hand on top. You were still warm, possibly from the towel itself or the humid 20 something degree night, what ever it was, I was glad you were still warm. Picking you up as gently as I could, just as I would if I was holding a baby for the first time. I notice your head is limp but I place your soft possibly cuddly body in that box and into the car.
Grateful for the box provided to me, for it would allow you not to move around as I drive.
I take you to the vet, pressing the buzzer and immediately it was answered by another buzzer opening the door for me. I step into the foyer confused on where to go, I see the nurse come up to me. Carefully she peeps into the box and takes it off me rushed down the corridor at a fast walking pace. I see you enter a door with a sign saying "Staff Only".
I peer in through the window, I can't see you but I see them. She tears open the side wall of the box, Watching them with my eyes was strange it was them who confirm your condition to me. I see her mouth the words "It's dead". After that, something dropped inside me, even though I knew of your impending passing for it to be confirmed still shocked me.
I apologise to the owners for the loss, I don't expect to be forgiven but I do hope they understand how I feel.
Despite how horrifying this experience has been, I don't wish it had never had happened because wishing is useless. If anything I'm glad that now I know what to do if this does happen again. For next time I don't want a life to be extinguished because of me.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Well over a year.
It's been well over a year and I've clocked up and over 30,000km's on it and still going strong, minus the broken engine mount that's died on me a second time now.
I've painted the calipers and wrapped the wheels just for shits and giggles. Hopefully I get new springs for it soon, less understeer and a firmer ride. Still hope to get a rear sway in, bucket seat and exhaust. They're just on the wish list for now. Also the Kumo 31's are about to go out too so they will need replace oh so very soon.
It's taught me alot, gained me new friends. Made me a better driver and also inspired me to want a NA miata in the oh so soon future.
Hahaha, well August last year since i got it. I think I'm well overdue to spoil this car with something totally necessary.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
About 2000 naughty pics later.
So how long has it been now that my tumblr's been active ?
2000 something posts and over 60 followers later is still dwindling along. I find it quite amusing at peoples reactions to my tumblr and it's posts. Some say it's porn others try to quote me saying it's "art" in a mocking sarcastic tone but I just don't care. To me each photo, illustration, picture tells a story, it may be just damn sexy , cute or it's just something cheeky and makes me smile. I must say though tumblr is full of some fucked up shit.
In the rare occasion I do go back through the archives and look through what I've posted and it's clear I go through phases.
Hater or not, check it out.
2000 something posts and over 60 followers later is still dwindling along. I find it quite amusing at peoples reactions to my tumblr and it's posts. Some say it's porn others try to quote me saying it's "art" in a mocking sarcastic tone but I just don't care. To me each photo, illustration, picture tells a story, it may be just damn sexy , cute or it's just something cheeky and makes me smile. I must say though tumblr is full of some fucked up shit.
In the rare occasion I do go back through the archives and look through what I've posted and it's clear I go through phases.
Hater or not, check it out.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Melanie Inglesias
Melanie Iglesias Flip Book from EBIS on Vimeo.
Absofuckingllutely amazing. Hot girl, cute attitude and an amazing video!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
TomorrowLand 2011
Music festival in Europe Tomorrowland!
The after movie looks absolutely insane! After all the guys coming back from Defqon last weekend raving about how crazy good the atmosphere is. Ah! quite disappointed I didn't go this year but next year DEFQON for sure!
All this music festival business has got me so pumped for Stereosonic coming up soon, can't wait!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Last Friday Night A.S.I.A Parody
Geoff's new video. Last Friday Night. So awesome!
So much work went into this video, filming was so much fun but I'm sure geoff found so much reward in processing it. And you know what? I'm in it too!!
Lets see if this blows up or not. As of now. 315 views.
Let the interweb trolling begin!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Chips on a stick
Chips on a stick!
Now I don't normally eat chips, nor do I even touch deep fried foods. But this.... this was special.
Fucking Chips on a freakin stick!
Look at it! It was quite fun to eat, quite like eating super thin wedges off a skewer. You get to choose from all sorts of different "Flavouring" which ranged from chicken salt, special mix and other sorts of funky ones that i was quite scared of trying.
All in all, if i ever see these guys again I will get one but i would not eat it all by myself. Turns out one potato is quite alot to eat by yourself. And for 5 bucks, it's quite the novelty that in my opinion is worth it!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
pizza night!
Ordering pizza has never been any easier.
So while parents away with hardly any quick foods in the fridge and an assignment to do I ordered pizza.
This would be my first time ever ordering this stuff for myself but man I'm desperate.
Now back to this darn assignment.
So while parents away with hardly any quick foods in the fridge and an assignment to do I ordered pizza.
This would be my first time ever ordering this stuff for myself but man I'm desperate.
Now back to this darn assignment.
Monday, September 5, 2011
24 Seasons Drum wrap up!
The A-team!
So the 24 Seasons drumming workshop is finally over. Huge improvements over last week and we now have ONE performing routine to dish out. Yes, two full on weekends for one routine.
Me with Yad 3! Funny enough a lot of the YAD from the city is mainly Indonesian.
Turns out that Indo's speak a variety of languages and the coaches being malay it made it quite easy for them! Me on the other hand didn't speak Malaysian, struggled with the mandarin, and their english was minimal. Despite that learning the beats wasn't too bad it was just knowing what the coaches wanted was hard.
And here follows a splurge of random photos.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Seriously, wtf is it!?
Never seen this type of spider before. I'm not too sure if it's a huntsman but I've never seen a spider this colour before. It was more orange than brown with black spots and was quite docile and refused to move.
From google search the closest relation I can get is that this could of been a new species of the "Tiger Huntsman"
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Last Tuesday to be accurate I performed at Blakehurst High for their multicultural day. A really big event run by the kids, also the most useless day of running around doing nothing for them.
I wouldn't normally perform based on the fact I never really think I'm good enough because of the lack of training. But that day I felt slightly adventurous, sure I stuffed up my routine but no one noticed. What happened was on my last movement I sliced opened my left thumb, quite deeply too, blood was almost gushing out but it did pool up quite big in my hand. Hopefully no one noticed.
I decided to go to the docs to check up on my tetanus shots. It's been 7 years since my last shot and I remember that well because I almost sawed my thumb in half that day too!
Anyhow, it wasn't bleeding any more so no stitches, got my shot and I changed my bandage/band aid everyday.
A week later I decide it's fine to go without the band aid (I actually forgot), the skin has closed up, just some slight bruising. But what I didn't notice till later today that I have lost almost all feeling in that wounded area! Complete nerve damage!
It's so strange, other than the near amputation of part of my thumb I can move it fine, It doesn't hurt too, I lifted weights with it, drummed a whole weekend and I'm fine.
Hrm.. see how this progresses.
Monday, August 29, 2011
24 Seasonal drumming, weekend one.
So pro, they showed us just one of their routines and it was amazing. So much power and energy in it that one of the instructors hit it so hard it split the skin on the drum.
I was invited by the temple to attend a 24 season drumming camp and I am very glad I went. So much fun and such a big learning experience for me. I realised I suck at counting to 8 and I'm quite annoyingly short for the drums.
First day felt like it went by so long. Everyone struggled even me but by Sunday we were all moving quite quickly! We have learnt only 2 sets of drumming routines with 1 more to go, so hopefully with the next weekend coming up we will have it all down pat!
Michael's Miata!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Breakfast Buffet, Glass Brassiere, Hilton Sydney
The mushrooms were super scrumptious, that brushetta was also delectable and bacon was also surprisingly good considering it was most probably sitting there for quite some time. The salmon was also of the finest grade!
So I asked for some poached eggs when I was near the kitchen, expecting to handed some on my plate for asking. Instead I was asked if I would like it soft or hard, I said soft and he gave me a number, as confused as I was it occurred to me that he was going to make and order to make it fresh for me. A few minutes later they arrived at my table.
Silly me for thinking this was just like any other buffet. Any other special requests like omlettes are made to order and brought to your table.
French toast was very surprising, very scrumptious, it's been so long since I have had french toast but never to this calibre. The tomato salad was simple and I just couldn't get enough of that salmon. That rice pudding was just amazing, I have honestly had rice pudding like this before and it was just a delight for brekkie!
Despite it being called a breakfast buffet, it is quite different to what I'm usually experience. Coffee is made to order and brought to your table, tea is poured from bags sitting in urns, brought to you by staff of course.
Now I'm not usual a huge fan of buffets because I always get too greedy with food and load it up till it can't fit any more. Food always mixes up together in strange combinations on your plate and personally due to that, it kind of ruins the textures and flavours in certain foods.
Considering this was The Hilton Hotel in the Glass Brassiere I forcefully held back with my servings. Other than the eggs, the other two dishes were placed by me and everything worked just right.
lol no, fuck it. I'm so happy for her, she's doing what she wants and I can't find anything bad to say about it. Honestly I won't miss her but I will miss her presence.
Go have fun Bel, meet loads of new people. Become chinky, smoke as much weed as you want, don't get raped, keep your organs close to you at all times (seriously) and have loads of fun.
I hope and I know by the end of the 12 months, you will come back with more experiences than you could have imagine. I'm excited to see your transformation just as I'm excited to see your reactions to my transformation after the next 12 months.
Remember, someone who think's one way at the start of the year but still continues to the think exactly same way by the end of the year, that person has wasted a year of their life.
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