I finally got to pick up my car today and just a little bit early too! I'm so glad i called up just before lunch, it gave me ample amounts of time to go to Neutral bay pick up the car and come back. Had a quiz at 10, finished at 11, called up realised all the rego and slips were done and me and will headed off to pick up my new car.
Again driving it at first was fine, no dramas! Except i stalled at the first set of lights because i was playing with the radio, hehe silly me.
Loving my new dash display. Notice how my datum for zero is not on the horizontal axis but instead at the bottom of the vertical. Well because of that I'm not quite use to it yet, i may think I'm doing 60 because I see the relative position of the needle but in actual fact I'm probably doing 80 ish, quite dangerous but I'm warming to it. 

Oh and i specifically really wanted to get this car early because of the rego (that and I was eager to drive it). Today is the 9th i get 6 months rego, thus it expires on 9th of February. I really wanted to avoid the 14th because 14th Feb is my sister Susanne's birthday and I just didn't want anything to clash with that. I don't think she will ever know I planned that.

Oh and i specifically really wanted to get this car early because of the rego (that and I was eager to drive it). Today is the 9th i get 6 months rego, thus it expires on 9th of February. I really wanted to avoid the 14th because 14th Feb is my sister Susanne's birthday and I just didn't want anything to clash with that. I don't think she will ever know I planned that.
congrats man!