Ok, about the bike. The bike was donated from Dave because he wanted to get rid of it and Bel wanted a bike to get around uni in. It was in great condition, all i did for her was change the tyres put a new rim strip in and lube the chain. Also since i was going down to Stromlo on Sunday what a perfect opportunity to deliver the bike to her a day early!
So picked up Joey and off we go to Canberra, with "Pudgy" which she brought to keep us company!

But before we left, i realised i had no spare tubes for Sunday so i stopped off at the local bike shop to pick one up. Realised this is the first time going there in about a year, they have changed management and the price of a tube is 10 bucks now. Not cool.
We had one stop at Goulburn maccas for a a coffee and then by the time we got down to ANU it was roughly 2 in the arvo. She was quite excited to see us and us to see her too. We just had a small lunch and chilled in her room, watching that disney animation "Up" and just drinking tea.
For dinner we went to an Italian restaurant called "La Scala". It was quite busy thankfully we made a booking. When we made our order though the waitress did say to us that they are super busy and wont be able to put our order in just yet and so the meals wont be ready for a long while. I was glad she told us in advance so i wouldn't get pissed off at the service but then again should this really happen?
I was also glad we got bread with balsamic vinegar and olive oil because that didn't need to go through the chefs, usually the balsamic vinegar and olive oil is served together in a small dipping bowl. Instead we got a small bottle of olive oil and a small bottle of balsamic vinegar and not even a dipping bowl to pour it in.
By not expecting our meals to come anytime soon, we just sat and chatted about random chit chat and by the time we did get our mains we had realised we had been sitting there for an whole hour. But it wasn't just us, i believe other people who got there earlier than us has been waiting for their meals a lot longer than us.

We got a chicken risotto which had some fancy name to it that i found hard pronouncing. And it was quite obvious that despite the delay in food they had rushed this dish, with the risotto being undercooked and not quite enjoyable. Although the creamy taste was quite nice, it was the only thing keeping me.

After dinner us three headed over to Bel's friend place to pick up a blow up mattress for me to sleep on and again we just sat and chatted about crap. I was secretly amused because his roommate left something hanging off his door handle and it was quite obvious he had a lady friend over.
After about midnight we went outside again and i got a chance to play with the poi again. It amused me to keep playing because i could see a lot of people were looking at me playing with fire. Even a lot of people in the uni lodge opened up their windows to look.
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