Got in the car Friday, managed to get there nice and early in the afternoon to set up camp. It took us a loop or to to decide on a spot but we eventually found one. After setting up we decided we should go out for one nice group ride of the lap before the race starts the day after. I'm glad we got to do this, this gave me the scope of the lap knowing where is what and when i should be done. Jing dropped out after that, i was bummed that he did, but was glad he wont have the chance of falling and regretting it even more. Also even more grateful for him taking up the manager roll later.
Friday night was filled with high spirits, hitting the sack early ish. Despite how warm it was we i got into the sleeping bag, i woke up almost shivering to my toes. Bloody Canberra.
Group shot. I'm already off!!! Nah, i just rode off to warm up not knowing there were going to take a group shot =(. Also the Bikes move us jerseys look great! Nice work Justin.
Ok So here is a little video of the start, where me and Alex were off the start line to get the bikes.
So being the one who goes first i have a different first lap to everyone else. You give the bike to someone (clifton) walk down to the start line about 500m down the hill and wait till go. The first Hour of the race was dedicated to James Williamson the honor roll and at 1 pm the race began. The run up the hill felt like alot longer than 500m, i could hear the clacking of cleats smacking the floor from every rider. Drowning the noise and cheers from the crowed. Trying to weave in and out of people was a big problem, there was so many people it was impossible, the only way i managed to pass people on the run was going off the edge and running back into the pack. Half way( i think) My lungs hurt already, i'm not a runner. Finally saw the glow of the clean BMU jerseys but my run was far from over. From here i had to keep running with the bike until the point where we were allowed to finally ride. Any rider i saw hopping on the bike copped verbal abuse from pretty much everyone until they jumped off.
Finally passed "the palm tree" no idea what it was, but it was the point where we could hop on our bikes. Now the race started.... with a hill climb. I knew in my head this is where i have to make ground or else it we would be stuck behind a bottle neck. It was not easy, dust was everywhere, it was unavoidable. I passed people, alot more pros passed me, i think this climb lasted 2 minutes at lest! Finally hit the single track, i only just made the cut where i wouldn't be stuck waiting to get into the forest. But it will still high in traffic. Constantly braking or else i would hit the rider in front. I passed a few slow guys who managed to get in front somehow, i assumed the pushed themselves way to hard at the start ( but this was just the start!). For the first section of the single track i was almost glad i got to start of first. Due to the traffic i couldn't ride any faster than a cruising speed. Constantly hearing my brakes howl and others skidding and also (which is something new to me) people yelling "Stopping!" "Slowing!" to avoid getting rear ended. It made perfect sense! but i didn't follow, these strangers always called out before i opened my mouth.
I was glad that we all made an effort to ride one lap the day before because every section gave me an idea to how much longer i had to go. It was also a great track, many passing points, not too technical and still challenging. So after the high volume of riders, it finally filtered out somehow and i found myself passing a rider or being passed. After passing through parts named, big dipper, horseshoe track and other various names, you come up to a sign saying 'Home run' I laughed at this because i knew quite well this was a lie, no where near 'home' because there is also a 'Home run extended' lies i tells ya! and even then its still a while. I could only laugh at the people who would pass this and think it is almost over.
Finally coming out of the forest and into the fireroad and back into the forest in the last 2 km's was my signal of home run. And then i hear TIMMY!! i knew it was Jing taking photos, i thought. DO i pose or something. Nah! just keep riding.
So riding through the last section being able to hear the commentator i ride even faster knowing its almost over. Ride up the last fireroad hill into the tent. Then i see the steel rails put together in a tight S shape. This forces the riders to dismount and walk/jog through the transition, slow enough so the race coordinators can record your lap times. But it was still a bitch to get off the bike and walk, as tired as i was walking was the last things my legs wanted. Out of the transition tent i saw clifton at the front waiting. Yes!! first lap over, handed over our passport (just a little card saying passport) and exchanged a few words and i saw him go off. First lap done! just another 5 laps to do...
Originally a 4 man team down to 3 and maybe a 4th. Our 4th meaning not Jing and anyone willing to put on his plates and ride for us. was hard. It was ok during the day... but..
Well my times out was.. 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, 1am, 5am and 11am. If i tried my laps times should be at a about ...1hr 5mins i guess with my ego somewhat ok.
All in all, it was fun. it hurt. I learned that i shouldn't eat a whole meal if i am to ride within the next 2 hours. I couldn't wait till i got home, i couldn't wait till it was over. Laughed at screwing over cliffy with his two night laps. And now can't
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