Last night i got a call from my mate Glenn asking if i wanted to go abseiling with him. Never been before, so i made sure i made no other plans and said yes! I met for the first time again Andy and his girlfriend Maria (i'm so terribly sorry for forgetting names and people, i just have horrible memory). Great people the are Andy is Glenn's stunt mate and Maria is working on her own media project about Jackie Chan and his fans (check out her shirt, it's great!). Very interesting people and its nice to learn about gossip about a world you never heard of too.Drove out to Warringah, ok drive no traffic on a public holiday so *thumbs up* to that. There were already a small club/group/gathering of people already there and set up. The old man showed us around and we opted to take an easy one down.

Many people don't do these kinds of things and i personally think they are missing out. I know i am missing out on a lot of things i don't get to do. But looking at the view at the top of this small cliff reminds me of all the things i want and/or wanted to do with someone and there are still things i would like to do by myself too. Bush walking, rock climbing, snorkeling, complete the city to surf are just a few things on the list.

Setting up. Have not been abseiling in so long, I've forgotten how to rig myself up! Check out the shirt she made!

Going down..... First step was scary, but when i got the feel that the harness is secure and has 'got me' the fear was gone and down i went. Did this many times until we got bored and so Glenn suggested we rappel down (going down forwards as opposed to backwards). That was scary, looking down over the edge of the cliff, straight down to the floor. The only way to go down safely was to lean forward and try be as horizontal as you can get so your feet can protect you is quite daunting but we got it eventually.

Glenn and Maria
After a few of that we got tired and decided to call it a day. Down one last time, by that time i was confident to almost run down, i could almost say the harness was slowing me down. We packed up the camera gear, yup they got tons of footage "All that for three seconds of footage" they kept on saying. The main purpose of this day was just to get some footage to add onto Glenn and Andy's show reel.
So hungry after that me and G. decided to go have Korean to fill our stomachs. Now here is the odd thing, i hardly almost close to never eat Korean foods. Its too spicy most of the time and i have no idea on what to get! But today i got the 'Chicken noodle soup' safe enough, not spicy and ordinary although i did cringe about it because i don't particularly like buying foods i can make myself but hey I'm hungry and it was cheap.

Chicken noodle soup bottom, Spicy fried rice top.
Weeee, free side dishes! I like, i was just recently told from a friend Korean places are the best because the sides you can keep refilling and just eat off that. So i did! Only once though, i was embarrassed already on asking for more but it was nice, i liked it. Might even consider suggesting Korean next time i go out to eat. G.'s rice was nice too, not too spicy but G. did mention about its spice by the end of it. My Noodles was...ok/comfortable/acceptable nothing to winge about.
A good end to my long weekend i say. Thanks Glenn for taking me out man, really appreciate it.
*This morning i actually bothered to make myself noodles for breakfast. That was a first in these past few weeks. I hope my eating patterns are getting better.
That being said after eating with G. dinner was being served at home so i had a double dinner tonight. Can that make up for my lack of eating lately.
*Also finally managed to link the 'Formspring' gadget on the side properly. So feel free to ask me a question, that or make fun of me, either is fine.
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