So after many years of me criticising people for wasting money on a gym membership. I have finally bit the bullet and have become one of them.
At first and for a long while I was really hesitant about joining a gym with soo many reasons too! I personally thought that i did enough strenuous exercise to keep healthy ( I actually did!), I also didn't believe in paying someone to allow me to run, cycle or row indoors when i would much rather be outdoors doing that stuff having loads more fun! And most importantly I couldn't afford to join a gym. But now I have come to an understanding that going to the gym is more than that.
Which comes to the one of the main reasons to why i have finally decided to join the gym, more specifically the uni gym. I want to get stronger, much much stronger. Actually i should reword that, I want to attain more power. I want to be strong enough so i can become the base/tail for lion dancing, I want to increase my vertical leap, I want to be able to do a
muscle up and lastly I just want to make day to day life just that much easier on my physical body.
Unlike most of my other friends who are in fact somewhat my inspiration, their main goals for attending a gym is (and i quote) "Aesthetics". I don't want bulk at all, I personally think that any more muscle definition for me will look weird and possibly unattractive on me. I know i will gain muscle and I can't avoid that but I intend to stay under 60kgs. Which i think is quite possible considering how hard it has been in the past for me to gain/loose weight.
I have considered to take a photo now of my physic but I'll feel like a narcissistic douchebag if i do it. But i do believe I should do it. Take a before shot, then take another photo 6 months down the track just too see how I improve on muscle definition (and possibly decline in attractiveness).
My short term goals.
- Dumbbell shoulder press 25kgs (currently 17.5kgs)
- Dumbbell Chest press 30kgs (currently 20kgs)
- Squat 150kgs (currently 80kgs)
- Do a muscle up! (.....no)
- Go to the gym every weekday!
To those who actually bother to read my rambles and actually gym actively, help me out here and give me some advice on how to train or exercises that i could do. Currently I'm just receiving all my advice from a few friends and people on youtube. I'm always opened to suggestions!