Friday night i attended an event which was called (on facebook) "Firefairys at stone circle". Its quite a regular event where fire twirlers and drummers from over the Sydney region get together and just strut their stuff with their fire twirling or beats. This was my first time attending and man it was such a unique experience.
When i got there past 8.30, there was hardly anyone there and i introduced myself to some and just had a small chit chats about how things usually go. But as the night went on more and more people started to come, more drummers started to pile in and then when the first guy lit up his poi beats from the drums started to sound and it just went surreal from there, felt like i was in a tribe.
How it works there is "Stone circle" at Bondi beach (between Bondi and Tammara beach), is situated overlooking the ocean and it is as it is, its a stone platform in a shape of a circle. People just sat on the sides and if anyone was game they would light up their fire toys and start dancing in the middle of the circle while the vast amount of drummers somehow manage to sync their beats together with the dancer. There were girls off to the side dancing to the beats, the only source of light came from the one tiny oil lamp, the moon and of course the dancers when they lite up. When the dancers light up your could feel the warmth from the flame on your face and the atmosphere was just ecstatic. People were drinking and I'm pretty sure some of the girls dancing were high. What took the whole night was one girl who played with the fire hoops, she was just amazing.
I also realised after a while that i was possible the only person of asian decent there! Hahahah, i find this quite amusing somehow but i didn't feel out of place at all other than the fact that i knew nobody there but it was ok! That event didn't have a tight nit group instead it was more of a public forum, which is very social. I left pretty early because after a while people started to get shy i assume and the center of the stone circle just got occupied by the possibly high/drunk girls dancing to the drums.
Saturday I woke up pretty early 6.45am to be exact. Did a lap at loftus with Jing and Nelson. Unfortunatly I got there late (sorry guys!) but while i was setting up Jing noticed a Civic Type R with bikes on the roof pull in and he immediately recognised who the asians were and so we all just grouped together in one pack.
The pace was ok and it was the first time in a while since i rode with Jing and boy his fitness has improved so much! That and my fitness has just plummeted below the floor. I could tell that he and Nelson were just cruising but to be honest, If we went just that little bit faster that would of put alot of strain on my legs to keep up.
After the ride I met up with some of the boys and we went on a cruise to ... I don't know where to be honest, somewhere past Dural near the blue mountains. The cruise started out quite frustrating, being stuck in traffic trying to go past North Sydney. I eventually got fed up with the traffic and did a switcharoo with Will. This gave me an opportunity to take some photos. More photos on my facebook.
Unfortunately I never reached the destination because i was just so tight on time. So when we past the valley and the cars had to wait in line to catch a ferry across the river i had to say my goodbyes and head back home. Oh and thanks Warren for the GPS, I would of been so lost without it.
Got back just in time to pick up my cousin Kelvin and head to Kartattack in Wolli Creek for the start of Darrens bucks night. When i walked into the place and realised it was indoors i was quite displeased and was expecting it to be a small and slow track with even slower cars. But it was quite the opposite! Because it was so small the track was super tight and the cars were quite fast and had slicks.
I as always was the craziest idiot out there on the track, driving dirty at first but then got into a nice rhythm and started to make clean passes. That was until 3 cars came head to head into a hairpin, we all collided and the marshals weren't too happy.
After that was dinner at some Korean restaurant in Chinatown. The food was very average, felt like all we were eating were cut up sausages with kimchi. But the reason why Glenn (the Best man) chose this place was because of the cheap beer. Our set menu included beer and two bottle of soju! They place also offered beer in 2 liter and 5 liter quantities!

The night was quite tame for a bucks night. No strippers no gambling nothing silly. Just pool at sharkies and a club after.
I was the designated driver so i was meant to drive some home but somehow i only ended driving Kelvin home. Hrm.. what else happened? Oh yeh, my car got locked in the Market City carpark, that was gay but security was nice enough to let me out!
I got home at 3am.
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