It's flat, it's sleek, very light and portable (to an extent). The OS system is the exact same as the Itouch/Iphone so it was quite easy and fun to navigate through all the applications.
Usability wise, it's actually quite nice to an extent. I'm personally not very use to the touch screen keyboard and did cause a lot of typos everywhere and anywhere. Browsing websites was a breeze a big step up on the Iphone mainly due to its bigger screen and a stronger connection to the wi-fi network. But it did go a bit funky when i was trying to blog on the Ipad, for some reason it could not regonise one of the windows was a text box and all i could do was link a picture in my previous post. I tried again without linking a picture but, it still could not recognise that this part I'm typing in now is a text box (typing on a PC now by the way). It's only a small issue but I'm quite certain if the ipad cannot recognise this as a text box it could possibly be of a big annoyance to a lot of other browsers or programs.
Games were ok, not really my thing but it was some mindless fun. Now the ergonomics of the ipad is definatly something to mention. It's small and slim, portable? yes. Functional? to an extent.
The ipad has this funky thing where you can work on it in any angle ie. horizontal, vertical, upsidedown and it will adjust itself accordinly. The table at JB Hi-Fi housed 3 ipads each ipad had this angled stand underneith providing for a very comfrotable webbrowsing position. You could also hold it in your hand and work on it in the air, you could rest it on your forarm/body and pretend its a clipboard and it was still comfortable. But the question is, how long can you really hold this position for? Even at home or in bed, working on a flat table would prove a hassel because of the angle of its screen and in bed? I can already imagine how its smooth, sleek design would work against itself.
Is the Ipad for me? no. If i wanted a portable webbrowser i would get either the Iphone or if i wanted more i would go all the way and get a notebook. Only if i wanted to be an apple boy.
I do however would like a Iped. Just to rub it into all the apple fanboys. =)
i got one *the ipad* for my dad :)