I'm supposed to be studying tonight but instead I'm in a blogging mood! Hahahah ..crap..
So I have finally deleted the 700+ unread emails in my hotmail account. So my unread email counter on MSN is actually showing nothing! Woah, now that is a first. lol.
I must say, going through the pages and changing the format of my hotmail account sure taks me through memory lane. I have deleted all the emails which i haven't read which is 100% junk, but some of the emails which i came across which weren't junk sure made me smile. Some were about organising surprise birthday's, presents, group outings and anything else in between. Some emails were especially special and possibly made me blank out for a bit which made me wish i had more.
I also noticed, my email account is not actually very personal at all. Just a web domain for people to contact me by. Getting bills, rego papers, facebook notifications and any other nidbits of info.
But what was i expecting? I guess what i really wanted or "wished" (haha wishful thinking, how it's such a fairytail to me) was an pen-pal. I guess in this scenario i wanted an e-pal, i guess i do have a few here and there but it's not quite right. My email is not something i look forward to and get excited about opening, if anything it's just a necessity required to sign up to facebook, blogger and anything else.
It's funny, i get more excited about opening junk mail that is addressed to me that comes from the mailbox.
Dude.... what the fuck?... Why do i give a shit about this and making such a deal of it. Bwahahah I'll blog this and read it years later and laugh at myself then.
Possibly the stupidest post made to date.