Theme was anything from tv/movie shows. Two guys came as B1 and B2, there was a captain Jack Sparrow, a very solid effort at Buzz lightyear, the red poweranger and alot of other novelty ones. One girl did manage to pop her knee out dancing, which makes me so worried about someone else's knee. She got onto the ambulance and the night went on.
I dressed up as... originally was meant to be a Man in Black, but seeing as so many other guys turned up in black and white suits i decided i could easily pull off "Agent Smith" from the Matrix, all i had to do was say "Hello Mr Anderson" then people would get it.
Did meet so many new people, so many people got hammered and alot got refused entry into Cargo bar and so the after party failed. I figured instead f being stranded in the city for 4 hours I'd just head home.
Not too sure if i remembered my number correctly, but new/familiar faces, so great meeting them. Especially Natalie and her group of friends. I hope Will is ok, oh and for the record i have a stronger tolerance than Will by far! lol.
Cheers to Mr T and Wally for convincing me to go, good night out on a Thursday anyway. lol
The only photo i got of the night.

i cant see shit dude..... let me help ya