So today I went to Wakefield. This would be my first time ever taking my car to the track and the first time I have ever tracked a car. And this was our lineup, Cliftons Sportivo, Will's Imprezza, my sp23, Zi's Civic type R and Justin's R32.

It was also Clifton's first time at the track with the sportivo. Lowered springs and triangle tyres made for a super fun day for him.

Justin's Skyline R32 is just immaculate and was just in a league of his own punching out 1min 10sec laps. Also with Zi's encouragement he managed to push it into the 1.09's!!! Crazy!

Zi's Type R. Good car to my standards but to be honest I don't know any better, lol. This was apparently Zi's first time taking such a heavy and slow car to wakefield. He still thrashed me!!!

My sp23. Nothing special really.

I did take out my rear seats, space saver tyres and anything else that was dead weight just to make the most of today. Yes I felt super silly and it was so worth it! (laughs all round).
Did it make any difference? Nothing I could notice in power or speed but it did allow for alot more road noise, slightly annoying driving there but it did help while I was on the track. Allowing me to hear my ever so quiet engine rev.
My first session out there was quite daunting and scary actually. Not know what to expect, no driver briefing and I didn't even know what my car was capable till now. I was too busy just trying to keep my car on the road, I created quite a traffic jam because of that! Sorry to the guys who I held up but it all good, although there was a mini cooper out there that was just crazy! I honestly didn't know what to do when it came near, overtaking on the insides, going all over the place and funnily enough it was the smallest care there but it was definitely the loudest.
The second session I was out there it was definitely much better. I took on all the advice I was told, instead of being conservative and modulating the brakes and throttle on the track just mash it! Brake hard (like really hard to the point where the ABS kicks in) and then through the corner just have your foot flat on the ground! To me it sounded so crazy at first but in reality it works and you're just so much faster.
The track was super chilled and as the day went on there was a one car less here and there so every lap I was out there on I was definitely changing something about my driving. Justin said that by the end of the day I was driving great using the whole width of the track and just flooring it! It's funny though, while going through the corners I have every intention to hit every apex fast but when it got around to it no matter how hard I tried I could only just buzz the apex ever so slightly.
That infamous "Fish hook" in wakefield was just a nightmare of fun. So much under-steer, I don't think I ever managed to tackle that corner correctly without Justin showing me the line. But man it was such an experience to feel the car sliding out so much at such speeds! In the last session we were out there I did manage let the slide out too far out and loose complete control of the car and do a 360 spin amazingly dangerous but surprisingly safe. lol There was no one behind me (lucky) and the sand off the track is very nice to spin out on and not feel like the car will roll over.
Justin let me use the track timer for 2 sessions but only got a valid time out of 4 laps, in my last session someone took the transponder beacon down and so our laps wasn't recorded but that's ok! My fastest recorded lap, 1min 20.9 secs!!! Quite proud of that actually but I think, give me another day and I'll smash it again!

So in between while we let our cars cool down, we just chill and then Zi got out some tape and started mucking about.

I'm no. 2!!

Then I gave Will some racing stripes!! lol!!

So with a bit of highway driving, and absolute hammering of my throttle I still managed to get 500km's out of one tank, cool!
Also, I was super sleepy, micro sleeping badly and famished. I ate my first Big mac meal for the first time in about 5ish years. Burgers are smaller than what they use to be and still taste the same.